Friday, October 30, 2020

Halloween, Hallows, Day of the Dead

 Hidden Realms,  the Veil Between Worlds, Magick and Mystery, Celebrating Loved Ones Gone. Embrace the Moon. Listen to the Earth. Invite the Others.  This is that time of the year.


Michael @ Hallows collage      


Day of the Dead - Mi Dio de los Muretos collage

For Anthony & Rose, Elizabeth, Julia C, Peter, Helen, Martha, 

Oscar, Christian, Dave, Pat, Jerry, Julia H and Jim


Hallows Past...

Frida at Hallows collage

Bad Dolly Trick or Treat collage


I Still Repeat the Things You Said collage

All Halloweend collage


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Darkling Series continues

These Tarot-like images have been coming to me for awhile now.  I like how they 'pop' into my head and how they morph as I work on them.   Their names and titles arrive whole or evolve.  And I know there are fuller 'stories' behind them, but they've not really emerged.  But people do share with me the stories they see in the images. I like the sense of communication that seems enmeshed with them.

In that vein, this collage was inspired by Alice.  After I shared the Darklings Series post on Facebook, Alice asked 'Will one of your Darklings be a Keeper of the Crossroads? Crossroads are places of great magic.' Her comment really spoke to me. 

Our strong Guardian is accompanied by Feline, Canine and Crow energy at the Crossroad.  Georgia O'Keeffe holds open a portal to Otherwhere.


Guardian of the Crossroads - Darkling Series



This first came to me as Compassion and Strength, but then I had a dream of Redwood trees and the particular strength of Endurance arose.


Compassion & Endurance collage - Darkling Series