Friday, October 30, 2020

Halloween, Hallows, Day of the Dead

 Hidden Realms,  the Veil Between Worlds, Magick and Mystery, Celebrating Loved Ones Gone. Embrace the Moon. Listen to the Earth. Invite the Others.  This is that time of the year.


Michael @ Hallows collage      


Day of the Dead - Mi Dio de los Muretos collage

For Anthony & Rose, Elizabeth, Julia C, Peter, Helen, Martha, 

Oscar, Christian, Dave, Pat, Jerry, Julia H and Jim


Hallows Past...

Frida at Hallows collage

Bad Dolly Trick or Treat collage


I Still Repeat the Things You Said collage

All Halloweend collage


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Darkling Series continues

These Tarot-like images have been coming to me for awhile now.  I like how they 'pop' into my head and how they morph as I work on them.   Their names and titles arrive whole or evolve.  And I know there are fuller 'stories' behind them, but they've not really emerged.  But people do share with me the stories they see in the images. I like the sense of communication that seems enmeshed with them.

In that vein, this collage was inspired by Alice.  After I shared the Darklings Series post on Facebook, Alice asked 'Will one of your Darklings be a Keeper of the Crossroads? Crossroads are places of great magic.' Her comment really spoke to me. 

Our strong Guardian is accompanied by Feline, Canine and Crow energy at the Crossroad.  Georgia O'Keeffe holds open a portal to Otherwhere.


Guardian of the Crossroads - Darkling Series



This first came to me as Compassion and Strength, but then I had a dream of Redwood trees and the particular strength of Endurance arose.


Compassion & Endurance collage - Darkling Series



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Darkling Series


The first images came to me while I was watching the Victorian gothic mysterious Penny Dreadful series. I dreamt of dark gowns and then as I began some image searches, the sense that these gowned ladies were holders of energy, held in their symbols and totems came to me. 

After I collected some 'dark gowns', the first totem arose - the Bat.  The Bat, so often symbol of the night and mysterious.  But more so a being of extraordinary perception of direction.  So the 'dark' totems became more expansive. As you will see many totem animals arose -Crow, Spider, Snake, Octopi, Lion and in the 'Clan Guardians' - we see Wolf, Panther, Eagle and Bear.

I have been working on these Darklings for several months now.  Some came in quick succession. Others had a waiting time.  A friend likened them to the images on Tarot cards and they do seem to echo those symbolic archetypal images.  Tarot has accompanying interpretations and here the collage titles serves that role;  so if you were to draw 'Minon, Knower of Direction', she could lead you to contemplate, query and associate to direction - needing it, finding it, knowing it is there and so on.

Some of the images offered the main character's name first, the quality being expressed secondly. Others came without a 'name' and only the quality and I have named the images accordingly. Each name came with it's own spelling - some of which are not 'actual' names or spellings; and in one a friend told me the meaning of the name.  So as you can see, this series has been an interesting intuitive and 'allowing' process for me.  I am not sure the Darklings are complete, but decided to share these seven today.

In that, I decided to google the meaning of today's date, August 11, and found this:  August 11th is the day of validation. Individuals born on August 11th express a strong desire to reveal the truth. They also have a predisposition to the dark side of life and places that others are not used to.

Don't you just  love it when the Multiverse seems to be communicating with you?  I do.

Minon - Knower of Directions ~ Darkling Series

Arane' - Mistress of Webs of Interconnection ~ Darkling Series

Keepers of the Unconscious ~ Darkling Series

Corvidae - She Who Remembers ~ Darkling Series

Oralia - Embracer of Change & Adaptability ~ Darkling Series

Clan Guardians ~ Darkling Series

Leiondra - Strength Though Clan ~ Darkling Series

Monday, July 20, 2020

Ups and Downs and All Around

Some collages emerge because an image catches your eye.  Some are fun.  Others are a place to sort out your feelings.  Still others are a nod to a friend.

Tres Street Ladies - from Julia Chou Mural
This mural is on an nearly abandoned building in Waynesboro, VA.  It was painted by Julia Chon as part of the 2019 Virginia Street Arts Festival



Pink Bette        

Many Clans for Steve Two Hawk  

Orange Crush Caddy

Auto Dogs for Jess


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

When Nothing is Certain, Everything is Possible

Art gives us another window to look through. Creating captures your focus and you enter another stream for awhile.  For myself, 'pushing images' around in digital collage or adding bits and pieces together in mixed-media, lets me move away from the often overwhelming-ness of the world and find a 'breather' in an 'other' world.

Before Covid19, I was working on making embellished versions of some of my collages. I extracted key images and mounted them on foam-core to add dimension and then added a high-glaze finish to each piece.  But when everything changed in March, I just put all creating aside for awhile.  Recently, I re-elooked at the collage and realized it's a perfect message for now.

This is the original collage.

When Nothing is Certain - Everything is possible

and the dimensional version with  embellished frame

Friends of mine are creating these days as well.  I love this reminder from SVAC - Shenandoah Valley Art Center, of which I am a member.

Check out our current Members Exhibit.

I contributed my Covid 19 pieces and this, Frida Kali Kwan Yin

Frida Kali Kwan Yin

My dear friend Deb Booth at Different Light Studio found roosters calling to be quilled. Check out the detailed shots of the quilling.

Cock of the Walk by Deb Booth - Quilling

Black Rooster by Deb Booth - Quilling

Quilling detail

Quilling Detail   

My HeartDaughter Mimi is an amazing craftsperson.  Knitting, quilts, lace, crochet and whatever else catches her fancy.

These magical birds were my birthday gift. The pattern echoes Mexican designs.

And a too cute Snow Bird for her friend Margaret.

Quilt in progress

So create! Make Art. Wash your hands. 

Take care. Stay safe. Be safe for others.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Covid 19 Heroes redux

In my last post  I shared being inspired by the call from Adobe to create images reflecting our Covid 19 Heroes -  I was drawn to photos of nurses, many of whom bore the 'scars' of their protective masks and created small portraits. 

I was moved to combine them in a single collage and those same faces inspired me to create a mixed-media assemblage.

My Covid 19 Heroes Angel carries the faces of these heroes, only one of whom I know by name- Kious Jordan Kelly,  He was a nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, gave the ultimate sacrifice. He died from C19 on March 24, 2020. 

These are small offerings of remembrance,  honoring, sharing heart.

Take care. Stay safe. 

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Instagram - Covid 19 Heroes

Well, life has truly changed for all of us.  My last post was filled with collage from my Winter Travel.  Now travel is far from my mind, far from a possibility.  And although there is open time for art, a 'having to stay at home and wondering what's next' ennui stymied a creative flow.

Recently, as a user of Photoshop Elements,  I got an email invitation to join their Instagram posts of  #HonorHeroes@Adobe.  It inspired me and I was drawn to do some portraits of nurses throughout the country I found in various articles on the web.  It came to me to highlight their efforts with words capturing the essence of each person.  A tiny tribute.

Kious Jordan Kelly, NYC

Anthony Fauci

So I now have an Instagram account.

Please meet up with me there @

These portraits are my first Instagram post.  I still like what is now 'old school' blogging but think Instagram might be a great place to share random collages, from the 'archives' as it were.

And with our new 'aloha' - Stay well. Stay safe.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Savannah 2020

Always so happy to spend time in Savannah. The Historic District and further neighborhoods offer a wonderful combo of urban elegance, historic architecture, funky art, the River walk and the unique opportunity to enjoy a green oasis in its numerous 'Squares', i.e., parks throughout the city, culminating in  Forsyth Park with its many Live Oaks and its lovely, famous fountain.  

The presence of SCAD - Savannah College of Art and Design adds a special air of creativity and interesting people to the town. And offers a major museum and various galleries. Savannah's Jepson Art Center and the Telfair Gallery are other rich sources of art. as well as the numerous private galleries all around town. My personal favorite gallery is Roots Up, home for so-called 'outsider art'.

Our daily meanderings offer rich architecture, storefronts and homes, and all the signage and oddities that always catches my eye. And like in Cedar Key, many of my collages from the past six years have become historical artifacts, capturing places that are radically changed or no longer there.  

City Market - A.T Hun Gallery - Savannah

11 Barnard Street - Savannah

Planet 3 - Savannah

Prohibition Museum - Savannah

And a final caution I came upon...