Hey, Just sold my first Ebay piece - the Alpha Girls you see here. I admit it was a nice feeling. I’m inspired now to list more things and make my Ebay gallery come more alive. Perhaps our fears about the economy are lightening a little and we can let ourselves please ourselves a bit, like buying art. Alpha Girls is one of my favorite boxes. I love these little dolls and along they way mark them as either Alpha Girls or Numeral Girls. The letters and numbers are enigmatic even to me, but I like the idea that they hold a hidden identity.

Another favorite of mine is this doll who is a homage the Abby character on the popular tv show, NCIS. She’s goth, she’s really smart and competent, a genius at computers and science, her decidedly own person. I was inspired to do create this homage when I found this doll who just reminded me of Abby. She was my first doll whose head isn’t altered in a major way. I get a kick out of her.

Follow this link to Altered E Art [alteredeart] on Ebay