Well, our Winter travels are coming to an end and soon we'll head north, leaving sunny Savannah. We're totally hooked on our new Victorian East neighborhood and hope to return to it and the very same rental next year. Can't beat staying in a renovated Victorian with a wrap-around porch and a garden to boot!
The wall and sign that inspired 'Private Parking Message' was along our daily route and always caught my eye, as new additions would pop up regularly. I took liberty with some of the placements and sizing, but each message is indeed on the wall.
Private Parking Message - Savannah |
The lovely old-school marquee of the Savannah Theater has inspired collage during our stays here over the years. You can see my gut response to the title in the strong text image. Our vibrant woman is wearing her favorite Marvel characters dress.
I love you. You're Perfect. Now Change. collage - Savannah |
We were having breakfast in the
Sentient Bean, our favorite local coffee place, when I looked up, saw the counter and background and said that is a great image and so it became the basis of my last collage this trip. Crows are a welcome element in any of my collages.
Sentient Bean - Savannah |
Follow-up! I walked past the mural that was beginning that I used in an earlier collage and it's complete! Super!
We've spent a lot of time enjoying Forsythe Park, which is quite nearby. I had lovely conversations with bought some prints from two Forsythe vendors.
Phil Musen does these whimsical prints. I love his sensibility and colors and he was a pleasure to chat with. I think this one will be a great addition to my kitchen.
Hot Dog Cats by Phil Musen
Michelle A Stafford captures Forsythe Park and creates wonderful mystical women, magical animals and more. This one really spoke to me. We had a great conversation and discovered that we both had lived in Philadelphia.
Digital Synthesis by Michelle A Stafford |
Our Winter Trips are always renewing and refreshing and this one, especially so. I find there is a great verve to having the sense of place as an anchor to my collages. Thanks for traveling with me.