Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Featured Artist on

I received a wonderful surprise in my inbox the other day - notice that I'm a featured artist on ArtsyShark - the website showcasing emerging artists!  I'm happy to join my dear friend Deb Booth [see post of March 21, 2011] as part of the ArtsyShark collection. 

ArtsyShark is the creation of Carolyn Edlund.  She's spent 20 years running her own production studio, designing and making handmade ceramic jewelry and later worked as an artist rep. ArtsyShark includes hundreds of interviews in all fields of arts and crafts, now including. my art.

Follow this link to my 'Featured Artist' page  and then explore and enjoy the rest of and subscribe to keep interesting people and art coming into your inbox. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Furniture of Your Mind

I recently had a great conversation with my son, Alexander.  In the course of it, he said, 'Mom, sometimes you just have to remember to change the furniture of your mind.'  This was so germane to what we were discussing that it just broke open the inner wall I was struggling with.  This digital collage just flowed from that experience.

                                                             I love this enhanced photo of Alexander.

Remember to rearrange the furniture of your mind