Friday, September 27, 2019

Crows! Calling All Crows!

I have a thing for Crows. Crows speak to me. I feel them. They're symbolic to me, my totem, as it were.

Many years ago in a drumming circle, there was a guided meditation where we were invited to dive into a pond and when we emerged we would meet someone/something significant.  I 'met' Grandmother Crow. She embraced me within her cloak and since then Crow came present in my life. I have had many other Crow experiences, have gathered all things Crow and find Crow in my art, as themselves and as intertwined with me.  I appreciate the Corvid cousin Raven, but Crow who is my clan. 

Recently I completed another Crow collage and today decided to post a Gathering of Crows, a Murder of Crows.  

Crows Unbinding Worry

Dreamtime Crow Guardian

Crows Sisters

Crows Sisters-Dark Matters

White Crow Guardian

Spiraled E Crowed

Sad Hope Wth Crows

Greenway Crow Gathering

Crow-ed Shoes