Saturday, April 25, 2020

Instagram - Covid 19 Heroes

Well, life has truly changed for all of us.  My last post was filled with collage from my Winter Travel.  Now travel is far from my mind, far from a possibility.  And although there is open time for art, a 'having to stay at home and wondering what's next' ennui stymied a creative flow.

Recently, as a user of Photoshop Elements,  I got an email invitation to join their Instagram posts of  #HonorHeroes@Adobe.  It inspired me and I was drawn to do some portraits of nurses throughout the country I found in various articles on the web.  It came to me to highlight their efforts with words capturing the essence of each person.  A tiny tribute.

Kious Jordan Kelly, NYC

Anthony Fauci

So I now have an Instagram account.

Please meet up with me there @

These portraits are my first Instagram post.  I still like what is now 'old school' blogging but think Instagram might be a great place to share random collages, from the 'archives' as it were.

And with our new 'aloha' - Stay well. Stay safe.