Thursday, February 20, 2025

Rabbits and Cargo Ships!

I didn't expect to see rabbits at the beach, but we see them every day. They have grass and scrub and apparently, it's a great environment for them.

And they are this inspiration for this 'beach bunnies' collage.  Our apropos retro beach gals are from a menu at a local restaurant.

Beach Bunnies

Hilton Head Island 

Savannah is the third largest cargo ship port in the country.  It's a regular event while on the Savannah River Walk to see ships as they head toward the port. Here on  Hilton Head Island, we were surprised to discover that right out our window, we can see ships off-shore awaiting port entrance. At night, we see the lights of multiple ships, making a line across the horizon. The background here was created from a photo of the Savannah port. The cargo ships fascinate my husband, Dennis and this collage is for him.

Cargo Ships Ahoy

Hilton Head Island

We're headed home soon and this is my last travel post for now.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

Till another time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Island days. Cloudy. Cooler. Now Sunny!

The blog title says it. We've had varied weather. But the special part of our stay continues to be the large window and ocean view. So 'inside days' are cozy, but the sea is still with us.

Apropos of cloudy, cooler weather, along with collage, a lot of reading has occurred. But unlike our oceanside woman here, primarily through a Kindle app, which will never be as vibrant to look at as a stack of books! 

She has been reading The Sea Priestess by Dion Fortune; a mystical novel published in 1938.  Over the years, I have re-read that book many times when I spend time at the ocean.  The Hawk guardian is a Coopers Hawk, like the one who perches on trees right outside, but so far, not upon any books. There are indeed alligators on the island, but unlike our Reader's companion, they typically wouldn't be on the beach.

Cloudy Days At the Sea Collage

Hilton Head Island

At first I was reluctant to go to the Nakama Sushi Bar because the outside menu board said cheeseburgers and milkshakes were available. Did not compute! But as it was nearby, I decided to check it out on the Web and discovered that so many people were happy to have a sushi place they could take their kids to, hence, cheeseburgers and milkshakes!  We thoroughly enjoyed our tempura, dumplings and soup. As you can see, I loved the eclectic ambiance.

Nakama Sushi Bar

Hilton Head Island

Our time here is growing short. Till next time.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

By the Sea!

We are having lazy days here in Hilton Head and our lovely ocean view from our rental enhances every moment.

You never know what you'll see out that glorious window.

Ocean Palms by Dior collage

Hilton Head Island, SC

Seawoman collage

Hilton Head Island, SC

Till another time!


Monday, February 10, 2025

At the beach!

We're spending some time at the beach on Hilton Head Island, SC; just a short travel from Savannah.  We did not go to our little town of Cedar Key, Florida, which is still recovering from hurricane damage.

HHI is a very different experience for us; accustomed to just parking the car and walking everywhere. I chose our rental because of the view and because  it was in walking distance to Coligny Square, a hub of restaurants and shops and the first such place built on the island.  Very fortunate choice, because most everything else requires a travel by car.  We ventured out a bit, but are mostly happy here in our little 'neighborhood'.

HHI is really only 54 years old and  planned with an idea of keeping the natural look, so architecture here is 'of a piece' in many ways. There are many parks and old wooded areas and of course the ocean and inlets, so nature is catching my eye instead of old Victorian homes.

The background here is the view from the window in our rental; amplified and altered, of course. It is a joy to see it all the time and we have a deck as well to be outside and hear the ocean as well as see it.  Windows evoke a bit of mystery to me and our enigmatic twins anchor that energy. Do they even notice our Octo Maiden? Perhaps not.

Sea Window collage

Hilton Head Island, SC

I came across this whimsical sculpture in a nearby park. Sandy Roads, by Mark Larkin. Our gentleman ponders it as I did.  There is a lot of public art here. I'm on the look-out!

Art In The Park Collage

Hilton Head Island, SC

Till next time!


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Adieux Savannah 2025

Soon we'll be traveling on to some time at the beach.  I always experience Savanah as a 'heart home' and it never feels too long to 'live' here in our Winter travel. The familiar always reveals a touch of the new, another facet discovered. And there is always something fresh to find as well.  This year some favorite restaurants were gone; a art gallery we always enjoyed is now an event space and the shows at the major museums were in transition, so we saw less, but at least without an admission cost. And then there was snow!! A unique visit in many ways.  I hope you've enjoyed these 'postcards' from Savannah.

Frieze is a favorite shop of ours and as it says, it always has some treasures to look at in it's gallery-like setting. I always find a little treasure here.  The stylish gentleman is a nod to the most gracious owner, more like a host, of Firenze and yes, some of the objects are from the shop.

Frieze Exotic Gifts collage

York Street - Savannah

Quinn's Breakfast and Lunch is another favorite; breakfast with that diner feel.  It gets a nice local crowd, as well as travelers who find it.  One day we sat in a booth near the kitchen and I was able to get the shot of the cooks at work.  And although I would indeed add a giant flamingo and lush flowers to the background, they are actually part of a mural wall in the restaurant.

Quinn's Men At Work collage

Drayton Street - Savannah

Gingerbread House, as I call it, caught my eye with its detailed scalloped shingles. The day I photographed it, the sun was just at an angle to make the house a brilliant white. Cherry cheesecake seemed the perfect highlight. 

Gingerbread House with Cherry Cheesecake collage


Thank you for traveling with me.

Till another time.