Saturday, October 5, 2024

Our Dear Cedar Key - much lost to Hurricane Helene

If you have followed this blog, you know that for the past  eight years, we have spent time each Winter in the little Gulf coast, 'Old Florida', town of Cedar Key.  We've been there after hurricane damage before , but Hurricane Helene's storm surge has left the most devasting damage of all.  This January when we visited, many businesses had yet to recover from the September 2023 Hurricane Idalia.

Now some of my collages have become 'historical' as the buildings they include are no longer there; some literally gone and others beyond repair and will be gone.

Just prior to Hurricane Helene, a devastating fire on the main drag of Dock Street, completely destroyed the Duncan's on The Gulf restaurant,  a gift shop and the kitchen and other damage to our most favorite restaurant, Steamers.  

Steamers is a place that always felt like home; where we would be greeted each year as we returned by name and with our drink by Leanna, the manager.  Sadly, this year, she died in a car accident on New Years Eve, the day before we arrived, and along with the town, we mourned her passing and celebrated her.

Steamers may return eventually.  The store on the first floor, Island Trading Post,  was wiped clean of it's inventory and fixtures by the surge.  The burned parts of the building are completely gone, aided by the hurricane.



Fire damage on Dock Street, prior to Hurricane Helene

Happy Dock Street View 

Big Deck Bar and Grill, also on Dock Street, is completely swept away. A funky little bar and sandwich place that also had music in the evenings and actually had a tribe of cats that hung about.

Big Deck

Far Away Inn, a quaint, long-term Cedar Key feature, probably cannot return.  You'll note the Pirate in the photo is featured in this collage.

Pirates, Flamingos and Tiki Bar - Far Away Inn

These collages are also of Far Away Inn.  The building with the mural and the facade were lost in Hurricane Hermine

Admire - Far Away Inn

Far Away Inn Judys

I understand Cedar Key Pizza's  interior was washed away and the whole of Prickly Palm, a coffee, juices and sandwich shop was destroyed.  In January, Prickly Palm had just completed replacing all the flooring that was damaged in Hurricane Idalia.

Cedar Key Pizza

The Prickly Palm

I read the 1842 Daily Grind & Mercantile, sharing the building with Cedar Key Pizza, was also washed out inside from the surge, but haven't found anything further.

1842 Daily Grind - Not the Country Store

The Beach Front hotel received extensive damage; much in the lower sections and foundation.

Beachfront Buddha - Beachfront Motel

Another favorite of ours, The 2nd Street Cafe, will recover, but had extensive damage.

2nd Street Cafe and Betty

Chairs from the 2nd Street Cafe in the street

Surge Damage - Hurricane Helene

I like the encouraging message in this collage and chose it to end this post.  The background, especially the 'Fine Cigars' sign, is from a Dock Street drinks-only bar, Liam and Maddies.  Another place, where the inside was destroyed by the surge. The Pet Friendly sign is from the Big Deck which, as I mentioned, is completely gone.


When Nothing is Certain Everything Is Possible


Many other buildings and homes were destroyed and impacted by the storm,  But a motto popular in Cedar Key is 'Cedar Key Strong', showing their resilience and determination.

This sign was at the Cedar Key Market, a eclectic, funky market [the only in town besides the liquor store]; first posted after Hurricane Hermine in 2016.  When we were there in January this year, the market had yet to reopen after Hurricane Idalia  damage in September 2023. I have not learned of its current status.

Cedar Key Mayor Sue Colton leaves us with this, 'When we go back to putting things back, we're not going to be putting things back they way it was. It can't. It's going to have to change, but it's going to be better.'

A final note, by serendipity, we had not planned to go to Cedar Key next February; instead we're reserved in Hilton Head, SC.  New collage locale in 2025 and hopefully, Cedar Key redux in the future.

BTW, if you put 'Cedar Key' in the blog search box, you can see all the Cedar Key collages from the past eight years.

Till next time.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Most Lovely Opening to the Show! Wayne Theatre Gallery August 26, 2024

The Opening gathering was indeed a most lovely time.  Friends, family, supporters of the Wayne Theatre and those just looking to see the art,  all gathered and celebrated with me.  It was such an incredibly supportive feeling evening.

As most people were local, one fun thing was the exclaimed recognition factor of the locations or the 'Where is that??'  

Many people commented on these two collages. The one below has a contemporary photo of Main Street.    

On Main Street - Waynesboro, VA

This one is a retro photo and many people had fun pointing out the shops that are no longer there.

Retro Main Street

A truly lovely couple shared with me that they had recently gotten married right there in the gallery space.  They purchased the Wayne Theatre collage as a remembrance!  A delight!!

Welcome to the Wayne Theatre

I also had interesting chats about the Crow motif in my 'Inner Region' collages.  Apparently, many people are drawn to Crow, so much so,  that a couple of Crow works will be going to new homes.

Urban Woods

As I said in my last post, Liz Moss and her team did a fabulous job of designing the show; one of the first things people commented on.  Everything wonderfully highlighted the pieces.

Here are a pre-show panorama photo.

The Gallery, opening night!   Lovely!!

Delighted Thank Yous to Liz Moss and the Waynesboro Theatre. Thanks to my supporters who came out this Monday - Deb - who always shows up in my life and her Dad, Bruce, Piper, Rose, Kerry, Susan & Kenneth, Bill & Nancy and Perry.  Thank you to all those I got to meet for the first time and chat with that evening.  And always, to my husband Dennis, who is the one that makes all the things behind the scenes happen.  Thank you as well to all my blog friends who sent me congratulations and good vibes.

Most Happy Indeed!

The show is up through November 17th.  Come Visit!  Stop by SVAC, the Shenandoah Valley Art Center, where I am a member. Make it a two-fer!

Or join us in October for the The Waynesboro Fall Foliage Art Show, sponsored by SVAC.  This is an annual juried art and fine craft show.   October 12 & 13th

Till next time!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

You're Invited! Please join me at the opening to my Wayne Theatre Gallery space show! Next Monday, 8/26/24

My exciting opportunity is almost here!  I had a preview of the show and Liz Moss and her partner did a fabulous and creative job - naturally! - of designing the show.  

If you are in our area, please do drop by and celebrate with me on Monday, August 26th, 5-7 PM at the Wayne Theatre in Waynesboro, VA.

        Here's the link to the Gallery announcement at  the Wayne Theatre Website. 

        Here's the link to the Waynesboro Theatre Events Page on Facebook.  Say you'll be there!! 

The show is focusing on my 'Regional' collages, anchored in photos of the area, landscapes,  mostly in Waynesboro, but also Staunton and Charlottesville.  As well a group of my 'Inner Region' collages; landscapes of  'inner and other'.

I especially like the 'mural' collage series.  Waynesboro has quite a few fantastic murals and more continue to appear.  Inspiring!  

The mural for this collage, Flowered, is on Main Street, near the Wayne Theatre. Apropos!

Flowered collage
mural by Nils Westergard

From the Wayne Theatre the Exhibit Gallery

From the website...Wayne Theatre, Waynesboro VA

The show will be available through November 18.  So lovely.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Bird Lady of Adams Morgan - a memory collage

In a recent reminiscence with family, I shared the story of the Bird Lady of Adams Morgan. I lived in Washington, DC for a decade.  In 1983, we lived in the Adams Morgan area at 16th & Columbia Road, in the Park Plaza apartments, which are still there, but now as trendy condominiums. Adams Morgan, very hip now,  was then a vibrant, but rather funky area; with a plethora of Ethiopian restaurants and ethnic foods of all types.  My metaphysical bookstore, Synchronicity Bookshop, was at 18th and Wyoming. with a pre-school right across the street.

Along our usual walk home, we often stopped in a small pocket-park on Columbia Road and regularly saw the Bird Lady.  She stood tall and regal and fed the pigeons copious amount of Wonder Bread. She had decorated her dress with empty Wonder Bread wrappers, attached with safety pins. In the winter she had an equally adorned long coat.  She rarely spoke to anyone and did not ask for money.  

My young four year old was quite attracted to her and established a rapport with her. One day I was asked for a quarter to give to the Bird Lady for bread and that became our tradition whenever we came across her. Never more than a quarter, because she said it would be too much.

There are no photos of the actual Bird Lady, only a salute to her in this constructed memory collage.

Bird Lady of Adams Morgan

For Alexander.

Till next time.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Upcoming!!! My show at the Wayne Theatre Gallery space - August 26th thru November 17th, 2024. Fortunate me!!

I'm so excited to share about my upcoming show, here in Waynesboro, Virginia at the Wayne Theatre's Gallery space.  I've written about the Wayne theatre and it's wonderful restoration in a previous post.

I've been working with  Elizabeth 'Liz' Moss of  Rising Star Consulting and Art Services in pulling the show together.  Her insights, clarity and supportiveness are so appreciated.

Screen Shot - Wayne Theatre Gallery @ Wayne

Here's  the link to the Gallery  announcement at Wayne Theatre Website.  

                 The current show appears first, so  scroll down to read my entry.

It would be lovely to see and meet you at the Opening Reception on August 26th, 5-7 pm.  

                Here is a link to the Waynesboro Theatre Events Page on Facebook.  Say you'll be there!!


Till next time!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Nellie Mae Rowe - Remarkable!

I don't recall how I came across Nellie Mae Rowe; sure I was searching for one thing or another. But the vibrancy of her and her art just jumped off the screen for me.  A life-taught artist from Fayette County, Georgia; born on a farm in 1900. She had quite a life travel and went from that farm to the Smithsonian Museum.  

You can read a lot about her life and work, such as at Wikipedia,  but my favorite piece is this one at SoulsRunDeep, where she tells her story in the her own words.

Among the many photos of her, I was most drawn to this one of her standing outside her door and had a wonderful time highlighting and altering it and finding elements from Nellie's work to dance in my collage.  It was a delight feeling simpatico with her and inspired by her.  Thanks Miss Nellie.

Nellie Mae collage

Till another time.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Family Memories

My wonderful Dad, Anthony, passed on July 5 many years ago and my lovely sister, Jacqui, my only sibling, left us on July 11 just three years ago. So now they both resonate in the month of July; bringing memories of them forward, most present.

They shared a strength for living; living life as it came at you. They both had their lives changed by an accident and by illness and yet, they made the most of being alive; even though they suffered losses of what they could do and difference from how they had been.  They kept a sense of humor; albeit a bit dark at times.

They were kind and caring through all that happened to them. They were brave. They were not eager to leave, even as their bodies were most challenged, but slipped away when it came time.  We found they had gently left us and we were not really ready. But then, there isn't really any 'ready'.

Jacqui Rose - She's in the Stars


Anthony Vincent

Till another time.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Urban Woods and Sad Hope

I seem to have two versions of my 'Regional' collages.  The outer landscape regions, based literally on the local area and the architecture and the inner regions, emerging from my own interior landscape and the mystical, totemic ones I'm attracted to and resonate with.

Urban Woods was anchored in the image of the woman; her dark cap brought crow feathers to mind. The context I found her in had nothing to do with woods, but the intense dark green of  her dress and her stance, evoked for me the sense of trees and crows; urban woods, not pastoral.

Urban Woods collage

Sad Hope carries just that. A sense of sadness, a touch of worry and overwhelm, with an element of hope that things will move on, a hint of transformation; sheltered from the rain.

Sad Hope Collage


My astrologer sister, Jacqui, often commented on the many 'two aspects' I have in my life; some seemingly paradoxical.  She said it was because I was born at  High Noon on a Full Moon. Sure, I'll got with that. It's in the stars.  Or maybe it's just art.


 Till  next time.


Bye they way, I appreciate the lovely comments I receive about my posts.  I have tried numerous times to get them to populate into the blog space, but so far I've not been successful. But they are forwarded to my email. They often light up my inbox.  Thank you.