Well, folks the only solution I found for my blog problem was to use Goggle Chrome as the browser for working on my blog. Aaargh. I do wish compatibility was the norm. Perhaps I'll come love Google Chrome but for now I'm feeling a bit manipulated by the whole thing. But hey, on to art....much more fun.
So sometimes I have to do a little customizing before I can do a piece. A couple of my continuing themes are crows and doll heads - which if you know my work at all, you have probably noticed by now. Here I am hand-painting little white plastic doves that are meant for bridal decorations and thus, transforming them in my totem crows.
Doves Into Crows |
Another special technique of mine is altering dolls heads, doll arms, legs and all sorts of other items into bisque white objects, giving them a kind of plaster effect. I achieve this by dipping the item into white ceiling paint. Ceiling paint is the magic ingredient as it is designed to cling to the ceiling and drip less. I tried to add color to the ceiling paint but it effects the 'staying' quality and doesn't produce the matte bisque effect.
Dipped Heads |
Supplies on-hand, here's what emerged.
Easy-Chair Crow Girl |
Caged Crow Girl |
No Crows here, but a 'dipped' doll arm anchors one's attention and yes, they are real boxes of candy cigarettes - a very non-PC item I found in bulk at a end-of-lot discount store.
Candy Cigarettes on TV |
My friend Helen and I collaborated on this piece. The white demon faces represent one's inner judges. Although they are matte bisque white, they are not made by dipping, but by using an white air-dry clay in a rubber molds of - you got it - demon faces! Really, you can find anything you need out there on the Web.
Essence Emerging From The Judges |
And to follow-up from my last post - here are some pix of the exuberant
All The Apparatus from Portland. Check out their animation/music video in my sidebar and go to
TWO Accordians! |
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Thanks for sharing!