Monday, May 20, 2024

All Around Town

My love of what I call 'regional' collage, collage anchored in photographs of buildings and place,  certainly thrives in my town, Waynesboro, Virginia. 

The WayneTheatre was the focus of a fantastic renovation, which turned this vintage theatre into a place for live theatre, music,  film, art and more.

The 'TimeLine' on their website tells the story. The Wayne opened on January 18, 1926, with plans to be a vaudeville/movie house. It advertised itself as the 'finest theatre in the Shenandoah Valley.' It had an orchestra pit with organ, and a small 'Wayne Orchestra' entertained the audience before the program. In 1929, the Wayne installed a 'talking machine' by RCA which allowed the Wayne to show talkies.

In 1999, the owners closed the theatre and deeded the structure to the city of Waynesboro. In 2000, to prevent the demolishing of the Wayne, a group of citizens incorporated the Wayne Theatre Alliance with the goal of renovating the theatre. On March 1, 2016, the Wayne Theatre, historically restored, artistically updated and technologically current, opened to the public as a performing arts center.

Some of the elements in this collage echo the Wayne's journey - from Theda Bara to Johnny Ray. Others are just for fun or caught my eye.

Welcome to the Wayne Theatre collage



Wayne Theatre circa 1940


Waynesboro has also become know for it's plethora of murals. Many are the work of  Nils Westergard and are a major inspiration for me.  This mural on the wall of the Waynesboro Family Y always gives me great pleasure. It is so filled with love in the eyes of the father with his daughter at the Pool.  The Y is near an entrance to the Waynesboro Greenway walk path, where my husband and I walk most days; so it is an almost daily delight.


Father and Daughter Love At the Y collage



Till next time!


  1. AnonymousMay 22, 2024

    Dearest E...I love how you've captured the evolving history of the Wayne Theater and so enjoyed reading about it. Also heartwarming to actually see pieces of your neighborhood and smile at the thought of you and Dennis walking past favorite landmarks each day! Donna

  2. AnonymousMay 25, 2024

    What a delightful bit of history. How nice people figured a way to keep the theater alive by transforming it. Your description conjured up images of thrilled crowds enjoying those first movies. The walks and murals and history and art sound wonderful. And your collage fits right in. Thanks for all this!


Thanks for sharing!