The many styles of architecture here in Savannah continues to inspire me. Our daily walk-abouts always have a new discovery even after all these years.
Forsyth Park is almost a daily stop. This coat of many colors, vibrantly pink, orange and more, totally caught my eye. She enjoyed greeting the various dogs walking through, so here in her many versions, are some companions.
This antique shop is on my daily route. The blue chair with flowers is part of its decor, Our 1920's parasol lady enjoys the scene.
Antiques on Jones and BullJones and Bull Streets - Savannah |
On Saturday each week there is Farmer's Market at Forsyth Park - food and crafts. Tusk Coffee provides fuel for shopping and coffee to go. They call their traveling coffee truck, 'to go Jo'.
Coffee in the ParkForsyth Park - Savannah |
More out and abouts to come.
Love this edition and the vibrant inspiration that has arisen because of it. Deb!