Thursday, February 1, 2024

Savannah 2024!

 We commented that Cedar Key, Florida feels like being on vacation, but our place in Savannah feels like our second home. The first floor of a Victorian with a wrap-around porch at the North end of Forsythe park, our perfect location. We like to go to our familiar places and then wander and find new. Perfect for our walk-about nature.

The house here is now empty and being renovated. I was attracted to that white emptiness and liked the pop of color in the sidewalk closed sign. Some interesting characters stopped by.

Dear White House collage
Savannah Series

Who wouldn't take a photo of a building decorated with flowers?  Turns out Gillian Trask is a graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design, SCAD, and her jewelry is well known.  But it's the flowers that spoke to me.

Gillian's Jewelry Collage
Savannah Series

The wanderings continue!  

Till next time.


  1. Dear, love the flowers and reminding me a bit of Frida! Interesting to hear of Gillian's jewelry and how you've brought that in. Really lovely! D

  2. I love that you have a second home! Wonder who the interesting characters are that stopped by. Lovely house with flowers.


Thanks for sharing!